Sunday, June 04, 2006

My first post

I've been blog stalking for sometime now. First it started as a way not to feel so alone with my infertility (shhh!) You's the one thing that no one wants to talk about but everyone knows someone going thru it. And why shouldn't we talk about it?? I mean come on! I am definitely someone who wants to talk about everything...but as I've gotten older I realize 1. not everyone wants to hear it or 2. if you tell people they just assume since you are being this open about something sooo personal that you must have the worse skeletons in your closet! So now I sit online talking anonymously...first on message boards and yahoo stalking finally deciding to do it myself. Not that I think I'll be stalked in the same way but this way I'll feel like I'm "talking" to someone! So to this I say welcome and feel free to stalk!

So a little (or a lot) about me..........

I am the oldest of 3 siblings. I have a younger brother & sister. I was born in Philly, moved to FL at 2, then back to central PA at about culture shock! I have relatives in West Virgina. I'm a cusp Aries/Pisces girl. I'm way too talkative to be a true Pisces...but I do need my alone time. I did very well in school. I think things came too easy to me. I was so use to not having to study when I actually encountered something I had to "try at" I usually found I avoided it...I didn't know how to study. I graduated in the top 10 of my class and magna cum laude in college and I don't think I ever cracked a book. I have a double major in International Relations/Political Science and minors in Russian, and Spanish. I wanted to go in the Peace Corp and be a translator. I'm not using my degree at all. I'm a real Gen Xer, not a wanna be with a real job. I wore hiking boots and flannels. I listen to Pearl Jam and Nirvana long before the rest of the world. I tend to be lazy and take the path of least resistance. I wish I took more risks in life! My parents have been married 36 yrs. I thought they would have divorced years ago. My childhood sucked, it was not sunshine and roses! I wonder how I'm so normal. Really I parents think it was because of them, I think it was inspite of them...In reality I think all three of us could have been doctors if my parents would have given us just a little time and support. But don't get the wrong idea...I love my parents. I think they did the best they could...they are just fucked up. I accidently became pregnant at the age of 25. It was the best surprise I have ever gotten in my entire life! I love animals. I have two dogs. I'd love to have cats but DH is allergic. I've considered getting rid of him for a cat but DD won't let me. If I won the lotto I would buy a huge farm and rescue animals. I have an interest in all cultures. I wish the world could be more open minded. Being different and unique is a wonderful thing! If only we took the take the time to understand each other! I'm a firm believer of agreeing to disagree...again if only to learn, to open one's mind to all possibilties!

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