Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Red Thread Crap!

Fo those of you new to the China Adoption experience...there is a Chinese proverb...that is posted right at the top of 95% of the blogs...It's the "I'm adopting from China and here is my theme song.... "

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break."

While the sentiment is nice...it's really not about adoption but about lovers...but of course annoying AP have taken this as their anthem.

Does anyone else find this annoying?? I'm really not a sentimental, gushy kind of person. I'm not an AP shrieking in delight when I see a ladybug. Seriously...get your own saying!! I've found one blog were someone feels the same way as I do! Thank god for Clueless in Carolina!


Anonymous said...

That's too funny. I've seen the same and thought it hokey too. Nice to know I'm not alone. Best wishes. KLY

TBG Happenings said...

The red thread isn't as bad as the "forever family" and "gotcha day". Maybe we should work on making up our own :)


Anonymous said...

Totally agree! Hate them all!

Third Mom said...

I think adoption sends some a-parents into a sentimental tailspin. When we adopted, what struck me wasn't that our kids were destined to be ours - it was than the kids that arrived a month before or after could have been.