Monday, July 31, 2006

I seem to complain too much!

I'm back complaining again. Rarely do I blog when I have something positive to say.

My MIL has been married and divorced 3 times. She is currently carrying on with a married man. I am lucky enough that I have only witnessed the last marriage and affair. My husband...god I don't know how he has done it..or how he or his brother are as normal as they are....has had it with her. He is "done" as he says. Seriously the women had to be dropped on her head as a child.

I really think she married number 3 because both of her sons were getting married. She felt left out. When she married number 3 we were all very confused as to why. Her reason??? Not because she loved him..but because at the age of 50, he had never been married, lived at home his whole life and his mother wanted to see him get married before she died. WTF!?!?! To me that would be a HUGE red flag...WARNING...unmarried, 50 yr old, lives at home with mohter...WARNING...RUN! RUN AWAY! Seriously this women treats relationships like I treat shoes...actually I think I get more wear out of my shoes.

She married S's dad when she was young...typical story. Bad boy from the other side of the tracks knocks girl up because family didn't approve of the relationship and they thought it was the only way to be together. Fast forward 10 yrs it's an abusive, drunk fest with a revolving door of affairs....for both of them. Divorce happens...MIL's family...who is a wealthy Mainline family is very happy. Now maybe she can "marry up." Mind you MIL has no money...the only one in the family that doesn't. No education and very few brain cells....hence the dropped on the head statement above. But the fortunate thing for her is that she is a very attractive women. And a that even a word?? I tell her she is a true blond and she it's a compliment.

Fast forward....S's mom meets new man with money...but not the kind of money the family wants...not old money but money from quick stocks trades...but hey it's money so they are a bit more accepting. She quickly marries and lives a "good" life. Multiple homes, multiple cars etc.... Fast forward yet again. Boredom sets in...she leaves...for what reason?? No one really knows...this is when I enter the picture. I meet husband number 3....fat, lazy, poor, unattractive (lives at home with mother!!)..doesn't fit with the others. As I said above...she has now kicked him to the curb too. Onto #4...But this guy is married, 2 adult sons...architect...owns his own firm....MIL thinks he is going to leave his wife that he has been married to for 30 yrs for her. Multiple homes, rich, race cars....he has too much too lose...she is too stupid to see it. This is such a case my father has said...and I can't even believe I am saying this..."Why buy the cow when the milk is free?"

I'm now cringing with embarrassment over this statement...but god it's so true and she just doesn't see it!!!!!

Now this has added to the drama in my life because she thinks my nine year old daughter is her friend as opposed to her granddaughter. She also takes a new job working 3-11 so she can have her days free to spend with this married man. See...if wifey thinks he is at work...he can visit her at her new town house. I find out...well today. Now I'm scrambling for childcare for my DD...lovely mother in law thinks it's okay for her to spend time with the two of them!!!!!!!!!!! Or alone in the house for the two hours till I get home from work. Seriously I think I hate the women. I know it's probably not a bad thing this has happened. I've often thought my daughter should not be spending much time with this women. But god...3 days the summer! What am I to do!!!!???

I'm so glad we have decided when our new daughter gets home from China that we will do daycare......I can't subject any child to this!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I've subjected DD to this. I guess I didn't, until recently think it was this bad. Someone needs to smack her!

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