Friday, July 21, 2006

I've been tagged!

A friend of mine sent me this email...and now I've been tagged. Anyone else reading this has now been tagged as it to your blog or send it to 5 of your closest friends!

How well do you know me?? For instance, did you

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Waitress
2. Bartender
3. Intake Casemanager for the Department of Welfare
4. Auditor

Four movies I would watch over & over:
1. Weird Science
2. Any of the Indiana Jones Movies
3. Breakfast Club
4. Top Gun (Even though I now hate Tom Cruise..I may have to rethink that one!)

Four T. V. shows I love to watch
1. Lost
2. Veronica Mars
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. So You Think You Can Dance? (I usually hate reality TV!)

Four places I have been on Vacation: I've actually been to way too many to list here...but here are my fav vacations memories....
1. St. Thomas
2. Cancun Mexico
3. Disney World Orlando Fl, with my daugther!
4. OBX with my friends

Four Websites I visit daily: God..there are sooo many...but here is where I spend most of my time
1. The Superficial
2. Google...hundreds of times a day!
3. Yahoo...hundreds of times a day!
4. My fav blogs listed to the right.

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Shell fish...almost any kind!
2. Ice Cream
3. Cheese
4. Tiramisu

Four of my favorite beverages:
1. Water
2. Wine
3. Starbucks coffee
4. Iced Tea
I swear I'm not an alcoholic!

Four foods I hate:
1. Root beer & cream sodas
2. Black licorice
3. Any organ meat
4. Anything cherry flavored...cherry candies, cherry pie, cherry soda...etc.. but I love actually fresh cherries.

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. At the beach
2. In bed!
3. At the mall!
4. On vacation!

Four favorite stores:
1. Nordstroms
2. Target
3. Gap
4. Marshalls/TJ Maxx

Four pets I have owned:
1. Dogs
2. Cats
3. Horse
4. Rabbit

Four places I have lived:
1. Ft. Pierce FL
2. West Chester PA
3. Millerstown PA
4. Phoenixville PA

Four things I hate:
1. Birds (I really hate birds...I love all animals BUT birds..I even like snakes!! Well I do like birds of prey..because they kill other birds!)
2. Close talkers
3. Private/personal people...what the fuck are you hiding!?!? And people who are ALWAYS RIGHT...don't have an open know annoying people!
4. Right winged conseratives....especially religious ones! I've exceed my four on the HATE..but really I could think of about 20 more...sad huh? I've tried to group them together a bit.

Four cars I've owned
1. Datsun 260Z
2. Ford Mustang Convertible
3. Mitsubishi Galant
4. Ford Explorer (which I love but can't afford to drive anymore!)

You've been tagged...there are a few more questions I may add later...but really...I have to go back to work now.

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