Monday, August 07, 2006

Bush lied!

Hopefully that isn't news to you...if it is, please close this blog and walk are not welcomed here. Awesome comic by Doonesbury. It's so sad to think people actually voted for the jack ass....I still cuss at every car I see with Ohio plates (sorry if I cussed at you and you voted for Kerry, I should not make asumptions...but in my mind Ohio cost Kerry the election), Even bigger idiots here in the US think Iraq had WMD.... Wake up America!! We have bombed the crap out of Iraq and we still haven't found any WMD.

God I try to stay blissfully ignorant of all this's way too depressing to follow the world news anymore...or the local news for that matter...Philadelphia's murder rate is out of control. But this is not a political blog...but it is my blog to express my opinions as I feel fit. CONSERATIVE BUSH LOVERS STAY OUT!!

Hee Hee...I just read the last line again...and it sounds like porn!!!!

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