Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I'm back!

Wow! What a trip. It was good. It was so good to see my sister and her family. My little nephews are too cute...especially the little one. The older one...well some times I could have strangled him, but what can you expect with a 4 yr old! I could have also strangled my DD a few times too...

I'm tired. My clock says 7:00pm but I could easily go right upstairs and go to sleep right now. I've adjusted to the 5 hr time difference too well. To me it feels to be about 10:00.

I have so much to write about but no energy at the moment. We saw a lot considering we had 3 kids in tow. I would have loved to get to Ireland but overnighters were just too difficult for them. I understand and I got to see things I'm sure I never would have seen otherwise. And I got to spend time with my sister!!

I did get caught up in all that terrorist stuff coming and going to the airport...especially the landing in Heathrow...we didn't know what was going on. We were held on the tarmac for over an hour. Pilot tolds us nothing. It wasn't till I gathered my bags and met my sister did I get any idea as to what was going on. My husband was panicked...which he tends to do anyway...this just validated it!

My sister had a heck of a time getting to the airport to get us. They were making everyone leave and cancelling most of the flights that day. I think we were lucky to get in when we did. By the time we left this Monday things were better but it still took a good 3 hrs to get thru the airport. Luckily I gave myself 4 hrs or I'm sure I would have been stressed, worrying about missin my flight.

I think the pups were the happiest to see me even though S would swear he was. They say dogs don't remember. The are creatures of the present. But 2 of them were so excited to see me that they actually wet themselves. And to think I was actually touched by I write it now it just sounds gross!

I hoped by the time I got home I would have a LID date...still nothing. From I've been told we are probably logged in...just my agency hasn't gotten the info as of yet.

All I can say is if the flight to China is 20 plus hours I'm going to kill myself. 8 hrs on a plane was bad enough. I'm sure I'll be divorced by the end of that flight!

More later...but for now I have a date with a pillow!

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