Friday, September 08, 2006

News and updates! LID!!!

Today we finally got word that we have a LID of 8/17/06!! Yeah! Now we get to wait oh...what is it now?? 13 mos and maybe upwards of 2 yrs to have a baby. Not like I haven't waited long enough!

As of now, the thought of the wait doesn't bother me too much. Kind of weird huh? I guess it is because I know there is an end in the end of this long journey I'll have another baby girl. It excites me and terrifies me all at the same time.

As I was sitting outside this evening with some of my neighbors and the kids...I was thanking god my daughter is almost 10 and I don't have to be running around after screaming crying because this one is riding the pink bike, or because they didn't catch the ball the same number of times as that one...I didn't have to yell..."NO STREET!" Or "Don't push her down on the sidewalk." I just sat there...loving it all.

Wow! Life is easy and I'm giving it up. Strange huh? Plus at this point and time I want to KILL ....yes KILL my husband..but I'm okay being a single parent with two kids! But that is a story for another day!

By the way.......I've actually attempted to post two or three different times over the past week and each one has been eaten up in cyper space...had a great one last Friday about my darling mother in law...she has been officially fired as a babysitter and will no longer spend alone time with my daughter but that will be yet another story for another day. I'm tired. Time to veg in front of the TV!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is one step in the right direction.